The Little Splatter Studio

How it works…

  • Book an available time slot for 45min of splatter time

  • Add how many people are in your group by filling out the form - We recommend 1-5 people at a time comfortably

  • Pay your booking fee of $25

  • Participants are $30/person and you can pay for them upon arrival at the studio

  • Check in at the front desk and pay for your participants

  • You’ll receive a brief orientation and your standard sized canvases (11x14in) to splatter - If you’d like to bring anything else to splatter like t-shirts, shoes, etc… you’re welcome to do so!

  • You'll receive PPE to protect your clothes and full access to the splatter tools and paint in the studio

  • Splatter to your heart's content!

  • At the end of your session you will place any used paintbrushes/splatter tools in our bucket to soak

  • We will have take-home boxes available to transport your art home

  • Please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment to suit up and receive your orientation